Griner Gunworks are proud members of SASS

#55942 El Mulo Vaquero
Ken has been an active shooter and member of SASS since 2002. We know what cowboy shooters want in their competition guns.
We have provided all the Tuned rifles, shotguns, and pistols for sale through Evil Roy.Com for the last 15 years.
COWBOY ACTION SHOOTERS! Gunsmithing for CAS firearms is one of our specialties! Email or call for current pricing and services!
UBERTI 1873’s and 1866’s TUNED AND SHORTSTROKED! Send us yours or order one thru us. Custom options available. Let us build yours!

SINGLE ACTION REVOLVER ACTION WORK!. Send us yours, or order thru us! Rugers, Uberti’s, Pietta, Colts, Open Tops. Custom options available. Letu us build yours!

SHOTGUN ACTION WORK! Send us yours, or order thru us. SKB’s, Browning BSS, CZ Sharptail, Baikal, TTN 1878 and of course Winchester/IAC 97’s!

CZ Sharptail Action work that sets us apart from the rest! Modified hammer spring struts and new hammer spring stop plate. This allows for easier replacement of the hammer springs and much easier cocking of the shotgun. Also our low profile extractor conversion, for easier and faster reloads! As another option, we can bend the lever for a shorter reach.